Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Perfect Run

So I mentioned in my post yesterday that I was going to do the Palmer Park run that I used to do several times a week about 3 months ago...

I did.  I packed running shorts, a tank top and thankfully, a zip up.  It was COLD.  Not too bad, but in the mid 50's and at the top of the trail it gets pretty windy.  It would have been very easy for me to make an excuse and say to myself, "Oh, I didn't pack the right clothes, I had better skip the run today..."
But I didn't. I'm trying so hard to get back in shape and I know the more excuses I make the further I will be from my goal. So I got out of the car, ignored the goosebumps all over my legs and started to make my way up the hill. Once I got going on the trail it wasn't too bad - in fact the cold was good motivation to get moving and warm up.  Usually it takes me about 12-15 minutes to get up to the top of the park but it only took me 8 minutes... not bad.  My heart felt like it was going to pound it's way out of my chest, but I was warmed up and ready to go.

I immediately started the run and felt a little weak [from doing the Incline the day before] but I was determined to get a good workout. I made my way up the first half mile to the lookout point with the bench.  There I did a few sit ups and push ups - you know, to get the full body workout experience (and to take in the view) - then I continued the run.

I love running Palmer Park because at the top of the park there are all kinds of trails and the whole time you have this beautiful unobstructed view of the mountain range.  Yesterday was cloudy and dreary and it felt like it might start to rain any minute.  The view from the park to the range was pretty clear as the clouds were sitting pretty high, but there was a thick cloud sitting right on Pike's Peak and you could see it snowing just under the bottom of the cloud.  Very pretty.  So that's what I had to look at during my run. 
I passed lots of people with their dogs.  The top of the park is a 'dog run' where dogs aren't expected to be on a leash so I ended up having several different four-legged running partners at various times during the run.
There is a point in the last mile of my loop where I typically hit 'the wall' and I go through a good amount of pain to push through it or I have to stop and walk. But this time, I was feeling so good I ran right through it and up the last big hill.  It's runs like this that get me motivated and help me back into a rhythm and routine...

Jack Quinn's group run is tonight and I'm feeling optimistic about it.  The last few times I've done it I've had to stop and walk - but I think tonight I'll make it through the entire thing feeling strong - we shall see...

I posted this picture before, but it's one I took at the top of Palmer Park - should give you an idea of what I get to look at during my workouts. :)

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