Friday, October 22, 2010

Some Things I've Learned

Well, I’ve made a decision… I’m going to take a sabbatical from blogging for a while and keep my thoughts in a private journal. The idea behind starting my blog was to allow those I love who are far away to have little glimpses into my daily life here in Colorado… to know that I was ok, and working on rebuilding my life and my identity.

Maybe it wasn’t such a well-thought out idea on my part.

I am going through many changes in my life at the moment and I am learning many important lessons along the way.

One is how easy it is to judge others. For years I have looked at other people’s struggles in life and I have been quick to say things like, “How could they?” or “Why would you do that?” or “That is so un-Christlike…” I could go on with these judgments but you get the idea. Being raised in the church has given me an important foundation in morals and belief in things that are good. However, probably for the first time ever in my life I have experienced directly the effects that sin can have in our lives. The sins of others and the sins of myself. Having these experiences has taught me many things, among which has been what Jesus truly meant when he talked about judging others. “You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye…”

It is so easy to look at someone’s situation and think you have the whole picture and judge from there what you believe they should do, but the fact is; only that person knows the whole story and only God can see what is truly in their heart. No one and I mean NO ONE knows the battles that rage within us other than God. I can say I may have experienced something similar or I know what they are going through, but that is a falsehood and a lie. I believe now that the best thing we can do for our friends and loved ones is pray for them and love them. Support them, lift them up, and encourage them.

I may not always agree with the ideas or decisions of those around me, but I’m not required to agree with others, I’m required to love them…

So this is lesson number one:

1. Love others. Don’t judge lest you be judged. Only God knows and understands our hearts and it is not my place to think I can do what only God can – see the hearts of others.

Another thing I have been learning is authenticity. How many people do I know who are truly authentic? Can I be upset with them if it seems they are not? No, because the truth is, I have not been authentic. I have put on a smile and done my best do what is expected of every young Christian woman. My heart has been in some of it, but not much of it. I have been living my life to fulfill the expectations of others rather than for myself. In the end, the only person who can answer to God is me. The testimonies and accounts of people in my life are not going to add up to a hill of beans – only I can answer for who I was, what I did, and how I lived. Do I want to be old and on my death bed saying, “I sure am glad I lived to please others.” Or, do I want to say, “I lived a good, full, and happy life and I’m ready to go home and answer for all of it.”

So in these last few months, I’ve been weeding out the things inside of me: What has been real? What has been a façade? I’m purging the things that are fake – and I’m allowing the true personality and passions of me to blossom.

I’ve met a lot of new people over the last few months and I’m recognizing sooner and easier who is authentic and who is not. If I want to be authentic, I surround myself with authenticity. I enjoy the company of those who I know are not only being themselves around me, but love me for who I am. I’m goofy, silly, passionate, and a little rebellious at times, but I love the Lord and I’m living the life I've been given.

Lesson number two:

2. Be Authentic. There is no good reason not to be. If others don’t accept or love you for who you are, then they are not relationships worth fostering. Focus on those who accept you and love you for YOU, not who they want you to be.

People like control. I have loved the notion of control over my own life. Sure, the ever-popular petition of Christians everywhere is, “Take my life Lord; I know that only You know what is best in my life and so I give it over to you.”

How many Christians actually do this? I would venture to say probably less than 1%. They are easy words to say, but actually living them is one of the most difficult things to do in life. I always pictured this prayer in the grand scheme of things… jobs, life partners, friends, deciding on a home church… but it seems to me if you’re praying to give up control and take life as it is handed to you, then that is what should be done. I’m learning to stop worrying about a job, where I’ll be in 10 years from now, who I’m going to be with, and I’m starting to just take life one day at a time. Not one of us is promised even tomorrow. I could be hit by a bus crossing the street this afternoon. Now, I’m not saying we should be irresponsible, but what I am saying is that I shouldn’t take anything for granted and I shouldn’t dwell on the things that bring me down.

You never know what effects your decision about something thrown your way will have on the lives of others. The homeless person I pass on the street may just have needed the friendly “Hello” I offered instead of ignoring his pleas for change as I walked by. The lady in the store who may have lost all hope in humanity may have just needed the little bit of hope I gave when I offered to pay for the few staples she was getting instead of glancing past her and thinking her problems are not my problems. (I mean sure, I don’t exactly have money to be throwing around, but I know when I have enough to bless someone else going through more of a hardship than I am.)

Why do people put so much energy into trying to control what we truly have no control over - all the while missing some of the best things life has to offer. And I’ve noticed too that sometimes we like to think we can control others. We use our words and our actions to make others feel somehow obligated to us or to guilt them into making the decisions that we feel are right. This kind of goes back to the whole judgments thing. I can never assume that I understand how someone feels or what they are going through, and you just have to let people make decisions for themselves, whether you think they are best or not.

Coming to this realization has opened my eyes to how people have controlled me. There is always a high price to pay for freedom. How many people throughout history have fought and died for their right to make their own decisions, have their own beliefs, and live their lives they way that they feel is best? On an individual level, sometimes sacrifices can include having a lack of support from friends and family and in extreme cases, broken relationships…

Lesson number three:

3. Give up control. You have only one life on this earth and only YOU can live it. Take advice from some, ignore it from others, and make your decisions based on your own thoughts, feelings, convictions, and beliefs. Appreciate each day as if it was your last. In the end, only you can answer for you.

Finally, I’ve learned that everyone grieves in their own way. I know that there are several people reading this every day. Some know the entire extent of what I’m going through, others know only bits and pieces. Only I know what is in my heart. I don’t really understand what it is people are expecting of me through this time. But what I know is that for the first time in three years, I’m free. I’m free from pain, from low self-esteem, from rejection, from control, from suppression, from depression. I realize this marks the beginning of the end of what was supposed to be my fairy tale, but unfortunately, I never had that fairy tale. All I can say is that it’s true what they say about sin manifesting itself so much that it can take what was supposed to be a good and wonderful thing and it can destroy it completely. I’m taking the pieces of me that are left and I am rebuilding, rediscovering, and reconnecting with God and with myself. Maybe some think I should be lying on the bedroom floor at night in a flood of tears, or eating a ton of chocolate and watching chick flicks in a state of depression, or feeling sorry for myself and letting everyone around me know it. I went through that stage for long enough… I’ve resolved myself to continue on with life, enjoy the things I love, and build meaningful relationships with both new and old friends. I’ve learned to let go and appreciate the little everyday things that this beautiful life has to offer. Instead of staying in bed with the blinds shut, I go out for the weekend and enjoy the wonders of nature and God’s creation. Instead of sitting on my couch watching “Sleepless in Seattle” for the tenth time with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s I’m hiking the trails in my backyard. Instead of heating up TV dinners and lamenting in making meals for one, I’m trying new recipes and making entire batches of crème brule to enjoy for the week. I’m doing the things I love to do in the fall… things that bring back warm memories and nostalgic feelings.

Lesson number four:

4. Everyone grieves in their own way. If someone in my life is going through a hardship, I know they need love and support and happiness. A smile over something so simple can make the difference in an otherwise impossible day. Optimism is good for everyone.

So with that, I say goodbye for now. I’m sure I’ll be back to blogging soon enough, but right now I will continue on this journey and share milestones with you as I see appropriate. Just know that I’m doing well and I pray often. Love you all.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

I'm on the prowl for a good (free) template online to carve my pumpkins this weekend.  If you have any good sites or suggestions let me know!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

From the Bestie

My best friend Sarah sent me the link to this and it was too good not to share -
I'm planning to have my own "Fall Festival" this weekend.  I'm going to make this Cider, the Pioneer Woman's Short Ribs, carve pumpkins and play games.  I LOVE FALL!

Homemade Apple Cider

Perfect Run

So I mentioned in my post yesterday that I was going to do the Palmer Park run that I used to do several times a week about 3 months ago...

I did.  I packed running shorts, a tank top and thankfully, a zip up.  It was COLD.  Not too bad, but in the mid 50's and at the top of the trail it gets pretty windy.  It would have been very easy for me to make an excuse and say to myself, "Oh, I didn't pack the right clothes, I had better skip the run today..."
But I didn't. I'm trying so hard to get back in shape and I know the more excuses I make the further I will be from my goal. So I got out of the car, ignored the goosebumps all over my legs and started to make my way up the hill. Once I got going on the trail it wasn't too bad - in fact the cold was good motivation to get moving and warm up.  Usually it takes me about 12-15 minutes to get up to the top of the park but it only took me 8 minutes... not bad.  My heart felt like it was going to pound it's way out of my chest, but I was warmed up and ready to go.

I immediately started the run and felt a little weak [from doing the Incline the day before] but I was determined to get a good workout. I made my way up the first half mile to the lookout point with the bench.  There I did a few sit ups and push ups - you know, to get the full body workout experience (and to take in the view) - then I continued the run.

I love running Palmer Park because at the top of the park there are all kinds of trails and the whole time you have this beautiful unobstructed view of the mountain range.  Yesterday was cloudy and dreary and it felt like it might start to rain any minute.  The view from the park to the range was pretty clear as the clouds were sitting pretty high, but there was a thick cloud sitting right on Pike's Peak and you could see it snowing just under the bottom of the cloud.  Very pretty.  So that's what I had to look at during my run. 
I passed lots of people with their dogs.  The top of the park is a 'dog run' where dogs aren't expected to be on a leash so I ended up having several different four-legged running partners at various times during the run.
There is a point in the last mile of my loop where I typically hit 'the wall' and I go through a good amount of pain to push through it or I have to stop and walk. But this time, I was feeling so good I ran right through it and up the last big hill.  It's runs like this that get me motivated and help me back into a rhythm and routine...

Jack Quinn's group run is tonight and I'm feeling optimistic about it.  The last few times I've done it I've had to stop and walk - but I think tonight I'll make it through the entire thing feeling strong - we shall see...

I posted this picture before, but it's one I took at the top of Palmer Park - should give you an idea of what I get to look at during my workouts. :)

Saturday Plans

I LOVE October! 

On saturday I'm going to the apple orchard pumpkin patch.  I'm going to get myself some red apples for pie and probably two pumpkins (because one is never enough) to carve for Halloween!  I can't wait!

This is where I'm going:

Happy Apple Farm

Monday, October 18, 2010

What a packed weekend! I love when I can start a new week knowing that I fully appreciated my time over the weekend.

Friday night I went with some friends to Cowboys. This is pretty much a weekly Friday thing for me as I LOVE country western dancing. Although I am still very new to the dances, they are so much fun. Some people I work with say the atmosphere is cheesy… that’s fine with me, they don’t have to go… but for those of us who like boots, hats, and country music – Cowboys is our place.

Saturday, I slept in (I love when I get to do that), made myself a spinach and feta omelet and headed up the mountain to Julie’s in-laws place for the first time. Baba (Bosnian for father), Amin’s dad, owns 70+ acres on the top of a mountain in Manitou Springs. It’s in a really neat gated community. Once you drive through the gates at the base of the mountain, it will be about 20 minutes to Baba’s place as his is the property is at the very top of this mountain sitting at around 9,200 feet. I’ve never driven a windier, steeper, crazier road in all my life but the views were amazing!

Once I arrived the entire family was there getting the meal ready for Baba’s 70th birthday. We had BBQ Chicken, grilled corn, Brisket brought from Texas by Julie’s brother and sister-in-law, and we had Pita (not sure if that is the correct spelling or not). Pita is a wonderfully delicious mixture of yummy things wrapped in phyllo dough and covered in butter to bake. I wasn’t part of the pita making process (thanks to little Esod and Zenita for making this fabulous food! And hopefully I spelled your names right…), but some of the things I remember going in were cottage cheese, eggs, butter, sour cream, salt & pepper, shredded mozzarella cheese, and more butter. All I know is after tasting it, I had to get seconds (and then later a third). My stomach would hate me Saturday night and seek it’s revenge, but the instant gratification from it was worth every minute of discomfort. If I had a chance to eat that much again – I would…

Oh the food… it was so good.

That afternoon the guys worked on an outdoor enclosure for Baba’s dogs Posha and Sedona (again, not sure on the spelling) both young pups and beautiful dogs. Posha is a German shepherd and Sedona a husky. Now, I called it an enclosure, but pretty much every one there had dubbed it the “Tajmahal.” It’s a HUGE enclosure with walls, a roof and eventually a heater. There is a dog house inside of it as well as lots of room for playing and relaxing. Rough life these dogs… I tell you.
Sometime in the middle of the day we hiked up past the property line to a lookout where you could see Pike’s Peak, Garden of the Gods and the city of Colorado Springs. I vowed that someday I would live in a place like this where I could walk out my door and have a place to come and relax and enjoy creation. I fell asleep briefly on one of the rocks – the sun felt so nice, there was a slight breeze, and you couldn’t hear anything - no cars, no people… just nature. It was great!
After dinner we went 4-wheeling out to another rock outcrop to watch the sunset. It was a beautiful evening and we went down to the outcrop and climbed up the rock formations. Everyone had a great time and we got lots of good pictures. We stayed out on the rocks for about an hour then headed back to the barn just as it was getting dark.

For the rest of the evening we sat by the fire telling jokes, picking on each other and recalling good memories. It was really a blessing for me to be welcomed so quickly into such a fun, loving, and crazy family. (Crazy in a good way of course)

Thanks to the Sipilovic family for making me feel so welcome and for a great Saturday!
I drove back down the mountain that night. It was quite the thrill as the hairpin turns that seemed a little crazy in the daylight were hard to navigate in the dark. There are NO lights on this mountain road. Even though I had my high beams on, each turn I just prayed I was staying on the road as it was still hard to see. The views of the city at night though were well worth the nerve-wracking drive! It was BEAUTIFUL!

I made it down just fine and I feel I could drive just about anywhere after that.
Sunday, I slept in again recovering from the food coma I was put into the day before. Again, I had a great breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and coffee. Once I felt awake and ready to start the day, I realized what a beautiful day it was turning out to be. In the 60’s with sunshine and big fluffy clouds – I willed myself to do something about the massive amount of calories I’d consumed in the last 24 hours. So, I headed off to do the Incline. I have done it several times before, but lately I’ve been slacking on working out all together. Needless to say, I felt the pain I deserved for my lack of efforts over the past month or so. I did however make it to the top beating my previous best time by 3 minutes. Not bad for being out of shape and feeling like a heifer!
Running back down Barr Trail felt so good too – I got a second wind and felt so alive! Once I reached the turn out for the waterfall, I did some running back UP the trail about a quarter mile then came back down. Surprisingly enough I’m not really sore today either, so I will be attempting my Palmer Park run this afternoon.

Sunday ended with the Redskins/Colts game. Although the Skins lost, I think it was a well played game. With the catches made by the Colts, they deserved the win, there is no doubt about that. Better luck next week DC!

So, I think I’m starting off my week right. I’m looking forward to next weekend as it’s getting to be time to carve pumpkins, and I LOVE carving pumpkins.
Happy Monday everyone!

Here are some pictures of the Incline for you folks back in Maryland... Go here to find out it's history.

From the first step...

This is about half way up looking down...

From a distance - you can see, this IS the shortcut up Red Mountain

And from the top...

Friday, October 15, 2010

It's Friday!

Lots of changes today.  I spent a good amount of money these last two days because I was in desperate need of fall clothes, but I feel good about my purchases.  I was very particular about what I purchased and every single thing I bought was either on sale or clearence.

 I love shopping.

I also dyed my hair last night.  This is not unsual for me - I've been dying it for some time now, but instead of just touching up the roots, I went blonder... much blonder.  Very blonde.  It scared me a little at first, but this morning I feel much better about it. I like it, it makes me feel a little sassier... I think the saying is true, "Blondes [do] have more fun!"

Tonight I will be dancing at Cowboys - I love Fridays!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like...


That time of year is here that inspires me to make yummy baked goods and mouth-watering comfort meals... get ready - recipes and pictures to come!


It's clear and sunny and yes, as a response to my previous post today, there is in fact snow on the Peak... it's beautiful. I love it.  It makes me happy. :)

I'm spending Saturday with my friend's family for Baba's (that's his dad's name) birthday. The whole family is going to be there and we are going to play dominos (chicken feet)... which I love so I'm sure it's going to be a good time.

Did I mention he lives on top of a mountain with a bunch of land and a view of the entire city of Colorado Springs?  His driveway is off of [literally] the windiest road in the US.  Yep - that's going to be my weekend... can't wait!

PS - I'll take pictures.

Amazingly Mouth-Watering Delicious

I am usually a fan of good recipes that are easy and fast - this one though I'm going to have to do now... like THIS weekend. I cannot pass this up, it looks too gosh-darn good... It's going to happen.

Braised Short Ribs

Foggy Fall Day

It's foggy today, and we had rain all day yesterday (which is unusual here in the Springs... I'm used to a LOT of sunshine) so I haven't seen the mountains in a couple of days. I had posted a few days ago that there was snow on Pike's Peak for the first time since spring, but it was gone by the afternoon.  I have this suspicion that once the clouds here lift, it will be snow covered again... I can't wait!
I love this weather.  I loved it when I lived on the east coast, but I think I love it even more now because it is so rare, and it feels like fall. 

I'm wearing boots today. Black high-heeled boots and that also feels like fall.  I love it!
I'm ready to wear my coat, hat and gloves...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Yep. That's my newest nickname... and I've had a lot of nicknames.  Before I get to explaining this one, let's re-visit some from the past, shall we?

This one was the first and probably stuck the longest all through high school.  It comes from the stereotypical "blonde" moments associated with girls who are considered ditzy. It was never implied that I lacked intelligence or smarts, but I am and always have been an incredibly gullible person. I'll believe almost anything for a least a split second.  Also, I tend to be one of the last people in a group to get a joke. This nickname could still apply today.  Although no one has referred to me as "Blondie" in some years, I remain to this day very gullible and a little slow to catch on to witty jokes.  My boss still enjoys yanking my chain every once in a while...

Yet another that stuck all through high school and into college. It's no secret that I love the outdoors and roughing it is something I enjoy.  I love camping, being in the woods and getting dirty.  However, I will do all of these things with makeup on.  I can get rough and dirty, but I still enjoy being a girl and so, one summer as a camp counselor a comment was made about how rediculous I was and the only things around to see me in my makeup were the chipmunks and so came the nickname "Chippy."

"Shirah - Princess of Power"
I spent a year traveling on the road with a Christian band and it was anything but glamorous. Needless to say, we were our own roadies. Every day we had to carry all of our equipment in from the trailer and set it up ourselves for our concerts.  Among the many cases os equipment this included 5-6 monitors 2 mains and a sub woofer. Our band consisted of 3 guys and 3 girls and every day I was typically the only female band member to be carrying in these large peices of equipment. Usually to get the job done faster I might carry two monitors at a time - I figured it was a good workout... So, the girls nick named me "Shirah - Princess of Power" and that stuck for the rest of the year.

"Amazon Woman"
Probably my least favorite and luckily I don't hear it too often - just from my dad for obvious reasons...
I'm tall (5'11'') and I consider myself to be pretty athletic.  Finding clothing and shoes is a difficult task for me...
That's enough about that one.

There are others that have come and gone over the years, but these are some of my most memorable ones. That brings me to the most recent nick name I've been given:

This one has been quite fitting for me. See, aside from the occasional "blondeness" I am also kind of a klutz.  Let's just say that "Grace" is not my middle name... I run into things a lot, and I mean a lot. I can't tell you how many bruises and scars I have on my knees, hips or ankles. I hit the corner of my bed with my knee or toe on an almost daily basis, or my hip on the desk at work. It's like, I just don't see things until it's too late.  Maybe because my "Amazon Woman" head is way up there in the clouds... I don't know.  So, "Pinball" is the latest and greatest becasue I seem to wrecklessly run into and bounce off of things quite frequently.

I think I need to start doing things to obtain a different nickname...

Monday, October 11, 2010

And Another...

I'm in a very picture-happy mood lately.  People are starting to make fun of me for the amount of pictures I've been taking.  But seriously, pictures make me so happy. Thank you Joseph Nicéphore Niépce for taking the first photograph and getting us all on our way to creating stills of life's most memorable moments.  Pictures really are a beautiful thing. When I realize I am seeing something that is great, or beautiful, or nostalgic, I can snap a picture - it lasts forever. Anyhow... lots of thoughts and all I really wanted to do was share these:

Yeah, I know they're in the jeeping album from the previous post - but seriously - this is some beautiful stuff and some great memories!

Just Becasue

I like this picture... I was very happy that day - it was a good day.


Yoga has been such a great outlet for me. Even though my running regimen has fallen to an almost non-existent point up until about a week and a half ago, yoga has remained a constant every Thursday. I go with three friends from work: Julie, Nicole, and Ashley.  Every Thursday after work we change into our yoga attire, grab our mats and head over to Cambio Yoga Studio - a place I'm growing to love not just for their practice of yoga, but the community and stress-free environment.  Everyone there is so friendly and accepting. I'm always greeted with a smile and friendly demeanor.

At 5:30 we go into the heated studio (the Power Vinyasa class is a great workout in an incredibly humid 100 degree room - imagine doing active stretches and strength exercises in a sauna... yeah, it's like that) lay out our mats and begin to loosen up before class.

The next hour is an invigorating, challenging, empowering, strengthening and relaxing one in which I typically sweat about a gallon (not really but hey, I like to exaggerate).  People who know me well know that I don't sweat.  No really, I can do a 10 mile run and have a few beads of sweat across my forehead or the back of my neck but typically I just am not very efficient at cooling my body down (I know... too much information). But, in this class I produce amounts of sweat I never knew I was capable of. 
So, if you're one of those people who hears the word "yoga" and thinks "that's not a real workout..." I would LOVE for you to join me sometime for this class...

So after about 50 minutes of active poses engaging just about every muscle in my body at some point, we begin the cool-down phase in which you slowly release the tension and tightness in your body. I LOVE this part.  I feel like I'm 30 lbs lighter and so relaxed.  Any stress from my day leaves immediately and I'm relaxed, refocused and re-energized.

The best part about this place is it's concept - it's a donation yoga studio.  This means they rely solely on donations to stay in operation. They do offer a suggested range for people wondering how much is appropriate, but no one sees the amount you give and they are incredibly unassuming and non judgemental.  I love that.  This is so great for someone like me who is at a place in life where I just can't afford much of anything extra.  Of course I donate - the instructors are great and the studio is amazing. I give what I can for  now and I know that as I can, I will donate more but my limited income does not prohibit me from enjoying the restorative, relaxing, strengthening and healing benefits that yoga has to offer. 

So with that I say, "Thank you Cambio for making yoga a possibility for me."

This is one of my favorite poses...

Friday, October 8, 2010

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things...

Well, this started as me just wanting to share the greatest website I've even known by a woman who I'm sure if we met, we would be great friends.  Her name is Ree Drummund.  Chances are you've seen her - or at least heard of her - as her site has become popular amongst women everywhere.  She is fun, witty, spunky, and talented and she covers all things from her life on a ranch to homschooling her children to photography to cooking.  Oh my goodness the cooking... I want to be her test kitchen guniea pig...

Anyhow, you can check out her site here:

The Pioneer Woman

I highly recommend reading her blog series "Black Heels to Tractor Wheels" if you're in the mood for a fabulous chick flick kind of story!

So here are some small things I'm finding I can't live without besides my daily dose of the Pioneer Woman...

-Cowboy Boots (most comfortable pair of shoes EVER-I need a pair in black!)
-Bath and Body Works Intense Moisture body lotion (Twilight Woods is my favorite)
-Chi hair straightener
-French Press
-The Incline
-Food Blogs
-Homemade Creme Brule
-Trail Shoes
-Nalgene Water Bottle
-Scented Candles (Lilac is on my nightstand right now)
-Alba All Natural Face Moisurizer
-Turkey Bacon
-My Camera
-Fresh Herbs for cooking
-White Wines (like Vouvray or Savignon Blanc)
-Diary of a Mad Black Woman (movie by Tyler Perry)

I could probably keep going with a lot of the little things I love and appreciate, but I'd rather hear about your favorite things to give them a try.  Leave me some comments with some of the little day-to-day things you can't live without. :)

Changing Seasons

I love my apartment in downtown Colorado Springs.  I love everything about it.  It's cute, it's quaint, it's homey, and it has lots of character. But, my absolute favorite thing about my apartment is the view. I live on the third floor and my living room window faces out to the Pioneer Museum (the old Colorado Springs Courthouse) and behind that is Pike's Peak.  I like to sit on my couch in the mornings with my cup of coffee and just enjoy the view.
This morning when I settled into my big blue couch to enjoy my morning ritual, there was something very different... SNOW!  Pike's Peak has snow on it again for the first time in months and I love it!  Don't get me wrong, the peak is beautiful no matter what time of year it is, but somehow it just looks more grand, more majestic when it is covered in snow. The details on the face of the mountain are more pronounced and it vastly stands apart from the mountains around it.
I truly love the mountain covered in snow but at the same time, this change in weather signals the temporary end of some of the things I love about the warm weather.  I had set a goal to summit Pike's Peak for a second time before winter really set in, but with the harsher climate and my lack of proper gear, this may not be a reality for me and I will probably have to wait until 2011 to summit once more.
It's a subtle reminder of the changing seasons in my life. Although things may get a little colder, and the mountains are becoming harder to climb, I press on toward the goal. I am in a transition period, one that I know I will come out of just fine on the other side. I will be stronger, wiser, and more confident than ever. I will lean less on my own understanding and more on that of God's. Sometimes I don't feel like I am properly equipped to handle the rocky trails and harsh weather that life throws at me, but in the end I make it ok.
Most of all I have hope.  I'm enjoying the adventures of fall/winter and the unexpected surprises because I know that Spring will come and with it new life and new experiences.

Hmm... maybe I will still make it up the Peak this year... who knows...

Here is a picture from last year of Pike's Peak covered in snow taken from Palmer Park... I'll have more to post later :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pawtoberfest 2010

This Saturday I'm running in a 5k with Campi to benefit the Pike's Peak Reigon Humane Society.  You can get all the info and donte here:

Megan's Pawtoberfest Page

Songs that Put it Into Words

Ever heard a song and been so excited because it seems that artist was somehow in your head when they wrote the lyrics? Well, it happens to me a lot... here is my "Inside Megan's Head" song for today:

Shifting Sand - Caedmon's Call

Sometimes I believe all the lies
So I can do the things I should despise
And every day I am swayed
By whatever is on my mind

I hear it all depends on my faith
So I'm feeling precarious
The only problem I have with these mysteries
Is they're so mysterious

And like a consumer I've been thinking
If I could just get a bit more
More than my 15 minutes of faith,
Then I'd be secure

My faith is like shifting sand
Changed by every wave
My faith is like shifting sand
So I stand on grace

I've begged you for some proof
For my Thomas eyes to see
A slithering staff, a leprous hand
And lions resting lazily

A glimpse of your back-side glory
And this soaked altar going ablaze
But you know I've seen so much
I explained it away

My faith is like shifting sand
Changed by every wave
My faith is like shifting sand
So I stand on grace

Waters rose as my doubts reigned
My sand-castle faith, it slipped away
Found myself standing on your grace
It'd been there all the time

My faith is like shifting sand
Changed by every wave
My faith is like shifting sand
So I stand on grace

Jeeping Weekend

My coworker Julie, her husband Amin, and their friend Brandon took me for the ride of my life!  I've always wanted to go jeeping... heck, I've always wanted a jeep.  This weekend only confirmed that desire.  I could tell you all about it, but I think the pictures speak for themselves.  The scenery alone was breath taking, but with the aspen leaves changing it was especially beautiful!  Enjoy! (You can click on the slideshow and it will take you straight to the album)