Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Yep. That's my newest nickname... and I've had a lot of nicknames.  Before I get to explaining this one, let's re-visit some from the past, shall we?

This one was the first and probably stuck the longest all through high school.  It comes from the stereotypical "blonde" moments associated with girls who are considered ditzy. It was never implied that I lacked intelligence or smarts, but I am and always have been an incredibly gullible person. I'll believe almost anything for a least a split second.  Also, I tend to be one of the last people in a group to get a joke. This nickname could still apply today.  Although no one has referred to me as "Blondie" in some years, I remain to this day very gullible and a little slow to catch on to witty jokes.  My boss still enjoys yanking my chain every once in a while...

Yet another that stuck all through high school and into college. It's no secret that I love the outdoors and roughing it is something I enjoy.  I love camping, being in the woods and getting dirty.  However, I will do all of these things with makeup on.  I can get rough and dirty, but I still enjoy being a girl and so, one summer as a camp counselor a comment was made about how rediculous I was and the only things around to see me in my makeup were the chipmunks and so came the nickname "Chippy."

"Shirah - Princess of Power"
I spent a year traveling on the road with a Christian band and it was anything but glamorous. Needless to say, we were our own roadies. Every day we had to carry all of our equipment in from the trailer and set it up ourselves for our concerts.  Among the many cases os equipment this included 5-6 monitors 2 mains and a sub woofer. Our band consisted of 3 guys and 3 girls and every day I was typically the only female band member to be carrying in these large peices of equipment. Usually to get the job done faster I might carry two monitors at a time - I figured it was a good workout... So, the girls nick named me "Shirah - Princess of Power" and that stuck for the rest of the year.

"Amazon Woman"
Probably my least favorite and luckily I don't hear it too often - just from my dad for obvious reasons...
I'm tall (5'11'') and I consider myself to be pretty athletic.  Finding clothing and shoes is a difficult task for me...
That's enough about that one.

There are others that have come and gone over the years, but these are some of my most memorable ones. That brings me to the most recent nick name I've been given:

This one has been quite fitting for me. See, aside from the occasional "blondeness" I am also kind of a klutz.  Let's just say that "Grace" is not my middle name... I run into things a lot, and I mean a lot. I can't tell you how many bruises and scars I have on my knees, hips or ankles. I hit the corner of my bed with my knee or toe on an almost daily basis, or my hip on the desk at work. It's like, I just don't see things until it's too late.  Maybe because my "Amazon Woman" head is way up there in the clouds... I don't know.  So, "Pinball" is the latest and greatest becasue I seem to wrecklessly run into and bounce off of things quite frequently.

I think I need to start doing things to obtain a different nickname...

1 comment:

  1. I would like to add that that ysterday at the mall I was just walking along and BAM! I fell.. out of no where, my ankle twisted and I just fumbled clumsily to the ground. It was embarassing to say the least...
